import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress' // export default defineConfig({ head: [['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/RedisShake/favicon.ico' }]], base: "/RedisShake/", title: "RedisShake", description: "RedisShake is a tool for processing and migrating Redis data.", srcDir: './src', locales: { root: { label: '中文', lang: 'zh', // optional, will be added as `lang` attribute on `html` tag themeConfig: { // nav: [ { text: '主页', link: '/' }, { text: '使用文档', link: '/zh/guide/getting-started' }, { text: '云原生内存数据库 Tair', link: '' } ], sidebar: [ { text: '介绍', items: [ { text: '什么是 RedisShake', link: '/zh/guide/introduction' }, { text: '快速上手', link: '/zh/guide/getting-started' }, { text: '配置', link: '/zh/guide/config' }, { text: '迁移模式选择', link: '/zh/guide/mode' }, ] }, { text: 'Reader', items: [ { text: 'Sync Reader', link: '/zh/reader/sync_reader' }, { text: 'Scan Reader', link: '/zh/reader/scan_reader' }, { text: 'RDB Reader', link: '/zh/reader/rdb_reader' }, ] }, { text: 'Writer', items: [ { text: 'Redis Writer', link: '/zh/writer/redis_writer' }, ] }, { text: 'Function', items: [ { text: '什么是 function', link: '/zh/function/introduction' }, { text: '最佳实践', link: '/zh/function/best_practices' } ] }, { text: 'Others', items: [ { text: 'Redis Modules', link: '/zh/others/modules' }, ] }, ], footer: { message: 'Released under the MIT License.', copyright: 'Copyright © 2019-present Tair' } } }, en: { label: 'English', lang: 'en', // optional, will be added as `lang` attribute on `html` tag themeConfig: { // nav: [ { text: 'Home', link: '/en/' }, { text: 'User Guide', link: '/en/guide/getting-started' }, { text: 'Tair', link: '' } ], sidebar: [ { text: 'Introduction', items: [ { text: 'What is RedisShake', link: '/en/guide/introduction' }, { text: 'Getting Started', link: '/en/guide/getting-started' }, { text: 'Configuration', link: '/en/guide/config' }, { text: 'Migration Mode Selection', link: '/en/guide/mode' }, ] }, { text: 'Reader', items: [ { text: 'Sync Reader', link: '/en/reader/sync_reader' }, { text: 'Scan Reader', link: '/en/reader/scan_reader' }, { text: 'RDB Reader', link: '/en/reader/rdb_reader' }, ] }, { text: 'Writer', items: [ { text: 'Redis Writer', link: '/en/writer/redis_writer' }, ] }, { text: 'Function', items: [ { text: 'What is function', link: '/en/function/introduction' }, { text: 'Best Practices', link: '/en/function/best_practices' } ] }, { text: 'Others', items: [ { text: 'Redis Modules', link: '/en/others/modules' }, ] }, ], footer: { message: 'Released under the MIT License.', copyright: 'Copyright © 2019-present Tair' } } }, }, themeConfig: { socialLinks: [ { icon: 'github', link: '' } ], } })