You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

145 lines
3.4 KiB

package reader
import (
const (
// cluster_enabled: Indicate Redis cluster is enabled. reference from
clusterMode = "cluster_enabled:1"
type dbKey struct {
db int
key string
isSelect bool
type scanReader struct {
address string
// client for scan keys
clientScan *client.Redis
innerChannel chan *dbKey
isCluster bool
// client for dump keys
clientDump *client.Redis
clientDumpDbid int
ch chan *entry.Entry
func NewScanReader(address string, username string, password string, isTls bool) Reader {
r := new(scanReader)
r.address = address
r.clientScan = client.NewRedisClient(address, username, password, isTls)
r.clientDump = client.NewRedisClient(address, username, password, isTls)
log.Infof("scanReader connected to redis successful. address=[%s]", address)
r.isCluster = r.IsCluster()
return r
// IsCluster is for determining whether the server is in cluster mode.
func (r *scanReader) IsCluster() bool {
reply := r.clientScan.DoWithStringReply("INFO", "Cluster")
return strings.Contains(reply, clusterMode)
func (r *scanReader) StartRead() chan *entry.Entry { = make(chan *entry.Entry, 1024)
r.innerChannel = make(chan *dbKey, 1024)
go r.scan()
go r.fetch()
func (r *scanReader) scan() {
scanDbIdUpper := 15
if r.isCluster {
log.Infof("scanReader node are in cluster mode, only scan db 0")
scanDbIdUpper = 0
for dbId := 0; dbId <= scanDbIdUpper; dbId++ {
if !r.isCluster {
reply := r.clientScan.DoWithStringReply("SELECT", strconv.Itoa(dbId))
if reply != "OK" {
log.Panicf("scanReader select db failed. db=[%d]", dbId)
r.clientDump.Send("SELECT", strconv.Itoa(dbId))
r.innerChannel <- &dbKey{dbId, "", true}
var cursor uint64 = 0
for {
var keys []string
cursor, keys = r.clientScan.Scan(cursor)
for _, key := range keys {
r.clientDump.Send("DUMP", key)
r.clientDump.Send("PTTL", key)
r.innerChannel <- &dbKey{dbId, key, false}
// stat
statistics.Metrics.ScanDbId = dbId
statistics.Metrics.ScanCursor = cursor
if cursor == 0 {
func (r *scanReader) fetch() {
var id uint64 = 0
for item := range r.innerChannel {
if item.isSelect {
// select
receive, err := client.String(r.clientDump.Receive())
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("scanReader select db failed. db=[%d], err=[%v]", item.db, err)
if receive != "OK" {
log.Panicf("scanReader select db failed. db=[%d]", item.db)
} else {
// dump
receive, err := client.String(r.clientDump.Receive())
if err != proto.Nil && err != nil { // error!
// pttl
pttl, pttlErr := client.Int64(r.clientDump.Receive())
if pttl < 0 {
pttl = 0
if err == proto.Nil { // key not exist
id += 1
argv := []string{"RESTORE", item.key, strconv.FormatInt(pttl, 10), receive} <- &entry.Entry{
Id: id,
IsBase: false,
DbId: item.db,
Argv: argv,
log.Infof("scanReader fetch finished. address=[%s]", r.address)