first cut of changelog for M3

Juergen Hoeller 16 years ago
parent 9dd70ca9fe
commit 0f35fe9d3c
  1. 34

Changes in version 3.0.0.M3 (2009-04-06)
* Spring 3.0 is shipping with proper Maven POMs now
* updated to JRuby 1.2 (remaining compatible with JRuby 1.1 and above)
* updated to Hessian 3.2.1 (remaining compatible with Hessian 3.1.3 and above)
* removed Axis 1.x support package, keeping basic JAX-RPC support only (next to JAX-WS)
* introduced new converter subsystem in "core.convert"
* introduced support for annotated factory methods
* introduced support for JavaConfig-style @Configuration classes
* @Autowired uses field/parameter name as fallback qualifier value
* qualifier annotations can be used at method level as well (applying to all parameters)
* @Value annotation can be used at method level as well (e.g. on bean property setters)
* @Value values may use ${...} placeholders (driven by PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer)
* fixed EL evaluation of prepared constructor arguments for repeated prototype creation
* ConstructorArgumentValues exposed indexed arguments in the order of definition
* declarative destroy-method="..." specifications get validated at bean creation time
* CachedIntrospectionResults always caches bean classes except in case of custom BeanInfo
* GenericTypeResolver's type variable cache uses weak values (for OSGi compatibility)
* fixed CachingMapDecorator to support garbage-collected weak references (again)
* SessionAwareMessageListener supports generic declaration of concrete JMS Message type
* RmiServiceExporter and RmiRegistryFactoryBean synchronize registry lookup/creation
* added "unregisterManagedResource" method to MBeanExporter/MBeanExportOperations
* TimerTaskExecutor creates non-daemon Timer and uses bean name as default Timer name
* added TaskScheduler interface and Trigger abstraction
* added ConcurrentTaskScheduler and ThreadPoolTaskScheduler
* added CommonJ TimerManagerTaskScheduler
* added CronTrigger implementation for cron expression support
* JSF FacesContext and ExternalContext are resolvable dependencies by default, if available
* FacesRequestAttributes (as used by RequestContextHolder) can access global Portlet session
* request handler methods with @ModelAttribute annotation always return a model attribute
* FreeMarkerView can be initialized with ServletContext only (e.g. for testing)
Changes in version 3.0.0.M2 (2009-02-25)
