prepared for 3.0.3 release

Juergen Hoeller 15 years ago
parent a6d9c90841
commit 3cf303cabd
  1. 23
  2. 4

Changes in version 3.0.3 (2010-05-10)
Changes in version 3.0.3 (2010-05-26)
* clarified that Spring's Jackson support requires Jackson 1.3 or higher
* Spring autodetects JodaTime 1.3 or higher (as required), ignoring older JodaTime versions
* revised VFS support for Spring's component scanning to work on JBoss AS 6.0.0 M3 as well
* fixed URIEditor's URI construction to consider fragment as well
* added default InputSourceEditor for SAX InputSource construction with a URL String as system id
* revised BeanWrapper's exception wrapping to consistently handle ConversionExceptions
* ConversionService is able to apply Converters to interface-based array elements
* a context ConversionService is able to override an ApplicationContext's resource editors
* refined LifecycleProcessor exception handling, properly wrapping a start exception from a bean
* fixed constructor argument caching for prototypes with multiple constructor matches
* specific detection of CGLIB subclasses in order to properly handle CGLIB interfaces
* revised AbstractInterceptorDrivenBeanDefinitionDecorator for further alignment with auto-proxying
* BeanDefinitionVisitor/PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer finds and resolves values in arrays as well
* property placeholders can deal with nested expressions which happen to use the same suffix
* SpEL's Elvis operator is able to deal with #{${myProp}?:defaultValue} case if myProp is empty
* setTransactionIsolation on JDBC Connection only called when actually necessary (for PostgreSQL)
* CachingConnectionFactory detects destination equality for WebSphere MQ as well (using toString)
* DefaultPersistenceUnitManager's getPersistenceUnitInfo method has 2.5 compatible signature again
* DefaultMessageListenerContainer reacts to maxConcurrentConsumers reduction for long-lived tasks
* fixed @ExceptionHandler resolution in case of multiple matches at different inheritance levels
* added "idleConsumerLimit" bean property to DefaultMessageListenerContainer (default is 1)
* AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor consistently adds @Async processing as first Advisor in the chain
* added support for JAX-WS 2.1 WebServiceFeatures to JaxWsPortClientInterceptor/PortProxyFactoryBean
* ServletContextResourcePatternResolver handles "/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar!/**/context.xml" style patterns
* fixed MVC mapping regression for servlet url-pattern "/" case on servers other than WebSphere
* MVC mappings properly apply even to welcome file entries that forward to a DispatcherServlet
* fixed @ExceptionHandler resolution in case of multiple matches at different inheritance levels
* added convenient "checkRefresh" bean property to TilesConfigurer
* TilesConfigurer's "definitionsFactoryClass" property applies common Tiles DefinitionsFactory setup
* JSP FormTag calculates proper default form action even when using a rewrite filter on WebSphere
* fixed JSP SelectTag's support for rendering enum constants
* TilesConfigurer's "definitionsFactoryClass" property applies common Tiles DefinitionsFactory setup
* JSP Radiobutton/CheckboxesTag utilizes PropertyEditor/ConversionService for label rendering
* MockHttpServletResponse supports multiple includes
Changes in version 3.0.2 (2010-04-02)

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
SPRING FRAMEWORK 3.0.3 (April 2010)
SPRING FRAMEWORK 3.0.3 (May 2010)
