Merge pull request #789 from kazuki43zoo/SPR-12987

Remove discussion of classic ORM APIs (JDO/JPA) from reference manual
Sam Brannen 10 years ago
commit 61bfb5a2e7
  1. 174
  2. 22

@ -174,180 +174,6 @@ are simpler and more convenient for many scenarios.
==== JDO
For the currently recommended usage patterns for JDO see <<orm-jdo>>
===== JdoTemplate and `JdoDaoSupport`
Each JDO-based DAO will then receive the `PersistenceManagerFactory` through dependency
injection. Such a DAO could be coded against plain JDO API, working with the given
`PersistenceManagerFactory`, but will usually rather be used with the Spring Framework's
<bean id="myProductDao" class="product.ProductDaoImpl">
<property name="persistenceManagerFactory" ref="myPmf"/>
public class ProductDaoImpl implements ProductDao {
private JdoTemplate jdoTemplate;
public void setPersistenceManagerFactory(PersistenceManagerFactory pmf) {
this.jdoTemplate = new JdoTemplate(pmf);
public Collection loadProductsByCategory(final String category) throws DataAccessException {
return (Collection) this.jdoTemplate.execute(new JdoCallback() {
public Object doInJdo(PersistenceManager pm) throws JDOException {
Query query = pm.newQuery(Product.class, "category = pCategory");
query.declareParameters("String pCategory");
List result = query.execute(category);
// do some further stuff with the result list
return result;
A callback implementation can effectively be used for any JDO data access. `JdoTemplate`
will ensure that `PersistenceManager` s are properly opened and closed, and
automatically participate in transactions. The template instances are thread-safe and
reusable, they can thus be kept as instance variables of the surrounding class. For
simple single-step actions such as a single `find`, `load`, `makePersistent`, or
`delete` call, `JdoTemplate` offers alternative convenience methods that can replace
such one line callback implementations. Furthermore, Spring provides a convenient
`JdoDaoSupport` base class that provides a `setPersistenceManagerFactory(..)` method for
receiving a `PersistenceManagerFactory`, and `getPersistenceManagerFactory()` and
`getJdoTemplate()` for use by subclasses. In combination, this allows for very simple
DAO implementations for typical requirements:
public class ProductDaoImpl extends JdoDaoSupport implements ProductDao {
public Collection loadProductsByCategory(String category) throws DataAccessException {
return getJdoTemplate().find(Product.class,
"category = pCategory", "String category", new Object[] {category});
As alternative to working with Spring's `JdoTemplate`, you can also code Spring-based
DAOs at the JDO API level, explicitly opening and closing a `PersistenceManager`. As
elaborated in the corresponding Hibernate section, the main advantage of this approach
is that your data access code is able to throw checked exceptions. `JdoDaoSupport`
offers a variety of support methods for this scenario, for fetching and releasing a
transactional `PersistenceManager` as well as for converting exceptions.
==== JPA
For the currently recommended usage patterns for JPA see <<orm-jpa>>
===== JpaTemplate and `JpaDaoSupport`
Each JPA-based DAO will then receive a `EntityManagerFactory` via dependency injection.
Such a DAO can be coded against plain JPA and work with the given `EntityManagerFactory`
or through Spring's `JpaTemplate`:
<bean id="myProductDao" class="product.ProductDaoImpl">
<property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="myEmf"/>
public class JpaProductDao implements ProductDao {
private JpaTemplate jpaTemplate;
public void setEntityManagerFactory(EntityManagerFactory emf) {
this.jpaTemplate = new JpaTemplate(emf);
public Collection loadProductsByCategory(final String category) throws DataAccessException {
return (Collection) this.jpaTemplate.execute(new JpaCallback() {
public Object doInJpa(EntityManager em) throws PersistenceException {
Query query = em.createQuery("from Product as p where p.category = :category");
query.setParameter("category", category);
List result = query.getResultList();
// do some further processing with the result list
return result;
The `JpaCallback` implementation allows any type of JPA data access. The `JpaTemplate`
will ensure that `EntityManager` s are properly opened and closed and automatically
participate in transactions. Moreover, the `JpaTemplate` properly handles exceptions,
making sure resources are cleaned up and the appropriate transactions rolled back. The
template instances are thread-safe and reusable and they can be kept as instance
variable of the enclosing class. Note that `JpaTemplate` offers single-step actions such
as find, load, merge, etc along with alternative convenience methods that can replace
one line callback implementations.
Furthermore, Spring provides a convenient `JpaDaoSupport` base class that provides the
`get/setEntityManagerFactory` and `getJpaTemplate()` to be used by subclasses:
public class ProductDaoImpl extends JpaDaoSupport implements ProductDao {
public Collection loadProductsByCategory(String category) throws DataAccessException {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("category", category);
return getJpaTemplate().findByNamedParams("from Product as p where p.category = :category", params);
Besides working with Spring's `JpaTemplate`, one can also code Spring-based DAOs against
the JPA, doing one's own explicit `EntityManager` handling. As also elaborated in the
corresponding Hibernate section, the main advantage of this approach is that your data
access code is able to throw checked exceptions. `JpaDaoSupport` offers a variety of
support methods for this scenario, for retrieving and releasing a transaction
`EntityManager`, as well as for converting exceptions.
__JpaTemplate mainly exists as a sibling of JdoTemplate and HibernateTemplate, offering
the same style for people used to it.__
=== JMS Usage

@ -5660,9 +5660,6 @@ example of a corresponding DAO implementation:
Because the above DAO follows the dependency injection pattern, it fits nicely into a
Spring container, just as it would if coded against Spring's `JdoTemplate`:
@ -5840,12 +5837,10 @@ JDO 2.0 implementations by default.
==== JdoDialect
As an advanced feature, both `JdoTemplate` and `JdoTransactionManager` support a custom
`JdoDialect` that can be passed into the `jdoDialect` bean property. In this scenario,
the DAOs will not receive a `PersistenceManagerFactory` reference but rather a full
`JdoTemplate` instance (for example, passed into the `jdoTemplate` property of
`JdoDaoSupport`). Using a `JdoDialect` implementation, you can enable advanced features
supported by Spring, usually in a vendor-specific manner:
As an advanced feature, both `LocalPersistenceManagerFactoryBean` and `JdoTransactionManager`
support a custom `JdoDialect` that can be passed into the `jdoDialect` bean property.
Using a `JdoDialect` implementation, you can enable advanced features supported by Spring,
usually in a vendor-specific manner:
* Applying specific transaction semantics such as custom isolation level or transaction
@ -6331,13 +6326,10 @@ See the next section for details on the `JpaDialect` mechanism.
==== JpaDialect
As an advanced feature `JpaTemplate`, `JpaTransactionManager` and subclasses of
As an advanced feature `JpaTransactionManager` and subclasses of
`AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean` support a custom `JpaDialect`, to be passed into the
`jpaDialect` bean property. In such a scenario, the DAOs do not receive an
`EntityManagerFactory` reference but rather a full `JpaTemplate` instance (for example,
passed into the `jpaTemplate` property of `JpaDaoSupport`). A `JpaDialect`
implementation can enable some advanced features supported by Spring, usually in a
vendor-specific manner:
`jpaDialect` bean property. A `JpaDialect` implementation can enable some advanced
features supported by Spring, usually in a vendor-specific manner:
* Applying specific transaction semantics such as custom isolation level or transaction
