JSR-223 coverage in new-in-4.2

Juergen Hoeller 9 years ago
parent 9ef38807e6
commit 8bc2bffa77
  1. 26

@ -478,7 +478,10 @@ public @interface MyTestConfig {
* `@NumberFormat` can now be used as a meta-annotation.
* `JavaMailSenderImpl` has a new `testConnection()` method for checking connectivity to the server.
* `ScheduledTaskRegistrar` exposes scheduled tasks.
* Apache `commons-pool2` is now supported.
* Apache `commons-pool2` is now supported for a pooling AOP `CommonsPool2TargetSource`.
* Introduced `StandardScriptFactory` as a JSR-223 based mechanism for scripted beans,
exposed through the `lang:std` element in XML. Supports e.g. JavaScript and JRuby.
(Note: JRubyScriptFactory and `lang:jruby` are deprecated now, in favor of using JSR-223.)
=== Data Access Improvements
@ -505,13 +508,14 @@ public @interface MyTestConfig {
* Built-in support for CORS including global (MVC Java config and XML namespace) and
local (e.g. `@CrossOrigin`) configuration. See <<cors>> for details.
* HTTP caching updates:
** new `CacheControl` builder; plug into `WebContentGenerator`, `ResourceHttpRequestHandler`, `ResponseEntity`.
** new `CacheControl` builder; plugged into `ResponseEntity`, `WebContentGenerator`,
** improved ETag/Last-Modified support in `WebRequest`.
* JavaScript view templating built on Nashorn and JDK 1.8, see `ScriptTemplateViewResolver`.
* Custom `@RequestMapping` annotations.
* Public methods in `AbstractHandlerMethodMapping` to register and unregister request mappings at runtime.
* New `RequestBodyAdvice` extension point and a built-in implementation to support Jackson's `@JsonView`
on `@RequestBody` method arguments.
* Custom mapping annotations, using `@RequestMapping` as a meta-annotation.
* Public methods in `AbstractHandlerMethodMapping` to register and unregister request
mappings at runtime.
* Protected `createDispatcherServlet` method in `AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer` to
further customize the `DispatcherServlet` instance to use.
* `HandlerMethod` as a method argument on `@ExceptionHandler` methods, especially
handy in `@ControllerAdvice` components.
* `java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture` as an `@Controller` method return value type.
@ -523,11 +527,13 @@ public @interface MyTestConfig {
* http://square.github.io/okhttp/[OkHTTP] integration with the `RestTemplate`.
* Custom `baseUrl` alternative for methods in `MvcUriComponentsBuilder`.
* Serialization/deserialization exception messages are now logged at WARN level.
* Default JSON prefix has been changed from "{} && " to the safer ")]}', " one.
* New `RequestBodyAdvice` extension point and built-in implementation to support Jackson's
`@JsonView` on `@RequestBody` method arguments.
* When using GSON or Jackson 2.6+, the handler method return type is used to improve
serialization of parameterized types like `List<Foo>`.
* Default JSON prefix has been changed from "{} && " to the safer ")]}', " one.
* Protected `createDispatcherServlet` method in `AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer` to further
customize the `DispatcherServlet` instance to use.
* Introduced `ScriptTemplateView` as a JSR-223 based mechanism for scripted web views,
with a focus on JavaScript view templating on Nashorn (JDK 8).
=== WebSocket Messaging Improvements
