diff --git a/src/dist/changelog.txt b/src/dist/changelog.txt index af25c8c883..82ae86682b 100644 --- a/src/dist/changelog.txt +++ b/src/dist/changelog.txt @@ -11,8 +11,12 @@ Changes in version 3.2.1 (2013-01-24) * added dedicated sort method to AnnotationAwareOrderComparator (SPR-9625) * BridgeMethodResolver properly handles bridge methods in interfaces (SPR-9330) * LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer works for bridge methods as well (SPR-9429) +* added constructor with Charset argument to EncodedResource (SPR-10096) +* ResourcePropertyResource accepts EncodedResource for properties files with a specific encoding (SPR-10096) * CachedIntrospectionResults.clearClassLoader(null) removes cached classes for the system class loader (SPR-9189) +* DisposableBeanAdapter detects "shutdown" as a destroy method as well (for EHCache CacheManager setup; SPR-9713) * introduced NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException as a dedicated subclass of NoSuchBeanDefinitionException (SPR-10194) +* DefaultListableBeanFactory's getBean(Class) checks primary marker in case of multiple matches (SPR-7854) * fixed QualifierAnnotationAutowireCandidateResolver's detection of custom qualifier annotations (SPR-10107) * fixed AbstractAutoProxyCreator to accept null bean names again (SPR-10108) * AbstractAdvisingBeanPostProcessor caches per bean target class, working for null bean names as well (SPR-10144) @@ -21,8 +25,10 @@ Changes in version 3.2.1 (2013-01-24) * SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor eagerly releases BeanFactory if post-construction fails (SPR-10013) * added "exposeAccessContext" flag JndiRmiClientInterceptor/ProxyFactoryBean (for WebLogic; SPR-9428) * MBeanExporter does not log warnings for manually unregistered MBeans (SPR-9451) +* MBeanInfoAssembler impls expose actual method parameter names if possible (SPR-9985) * AbstractCacheManager accepts no caches defined, allowing for EHCache default cache setup (SPR-7955) * EhCacheManagerFactoryBean applies cacheManagerName ahead of creation (for EHCache 2.5 compatibility; SPR-9171) +* ThreadPoolExecutorFactoryBean exposes "createExecutor" method for custom ThreadPoolExecutor subclasses (SPR-9435) * added "awaitTerminationSeconds" property to ThreadPoolTaskExecutor/ThreadPoolTaskScheduler (SPR-5387) * aligned XML scheduled-task elements with @Scheduled in terms of kicking in after context refresh (SPR-9231) * reintroduced "mode" and "proxy-target-class" attributes in spring-task-3.1/3.2.xsd (SPR-10177)