Hibernate 3.6, etc

Juergen Hoeller 14 years ago
parent 3c067e5db6
commit a25e4d794e
  1. 3

@ -6,14 +6,17 @@ http://www.springsource.org
Changes in version 3.0.5 (2010-10-15)
* support for Hibernate 3.6 final
* added core serializer abstraction with default implementations using Java Serialization
* consistent use of JDK 1.5's "ThreadLocal.remove()" over "ThreadLocal.set(null)"
* fixed JodaTimeContextHolder to use a non-inheritable ThreadLocal and expose a reset method
* revised "ClassUtils.isAssignable" semantics to cover primitives vs wrappers in both directions
* optimized AnnotationUtils findAnnotation performance for repeated search on same interfaces
* ConversionService protects itself against infinite recursion in ObjectToCollectionConverter
* fixed TypeDescriptor to correctly resolve nested collections and their element types
* BeanWrapper does not attempt to populate Map values on access (just auto-grows Map itself)
* fixed Autowired/CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor to prevent race condition in skipping check
* fixed @Value injection to correctly cache temporary null results for non-singleton beans
* ApplicationContext registers context-specific ClassArrayEditor for its bean ClassLoader
* refined ApplicationContext singleton processing to not fail for manually registered null instances
* fixed ApplicationContext event processing for repeated invocations to non-singleton listener beans
