SPR-8974 Fix regression in UriUtils.java

Rossen Stoyanchev 13 years ago
parent 9c45acd43a
commit bcd8355e61
  1. 5
  2. 125
  3. 3

@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ Changes in version 3.1.1 (2012-02-06)
* corrected fix for QuartzJobBean to work with Quartz 2.0/2.1
* JMS CachingConnectionFactory never caches consumers for temporary queues and topics
* JMS SimpleMessageListenerContainer silently falls back to lazy registration of consumers
* fix regresion in UriUtils
* allow adding flash attributes in methods with a ModelAndView return value
* preserve quotes in MediaType parameters
* make flash attributes available in the model of ParameterizableViewController and UrlFilenameViewController
Changes in version 3.1 GA (2011-12-12)

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ package org.springframework.web.util;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
@ -38,38 +40,107 @@ import org.springframework.util.Assert;
public abstract class UriUtils {
private static final String SCHEME_PATTERN = "([^:/?#]+):";
private static final String HTTP_PATTERN = "(http|https):";
private static final String USERINFO_PATTERN = "([^@/]*)";
private static final String HOST_PATTERN = "([^/?#:]*)";
private static final String PORT_PATTERN = "(\\d*)";
private static final String PATH_PATTERN = "([^?#]*)";
private static final String QUERY_PATTERN = "([^#]*)";
private static final String LAST_PATTERN = "(.*)";
// Regex patterns that matches URIs. See RFC 3986, appendix B
private static final Pattern URI_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
"^(" + SCHEME_PATTERN + ")?" + "(//(" + USERINFO_PATTERN + "@)?" + HOST_PATTERN + "(:" + PORT_PATTERN +
")?" + ")?" + PATH_PATTERN + "(\\?" + QUERY_PATTERN + ")?" + "(#" + LAST_PATTERN + ")?");
private static final Pattern HTTP_URL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
"^" + HTTP_PATTERN + "(//(" + USERINFO_PATTERN + "@)?" + HOST_PATTERN + "(:" + PORT_PATTERN + ")?" + ")?" +
PATH_PATTERN + "(\\?" + LAST_PATTERN + ")?");
// encoding
* Encodes the given source URI into an encoded String. All various URI components are
* encoded according to their respective valid character sets.
* <p><strong>Note</strong> that this method does not attempt to encode "=" and "&"
* characters in query parameter names and query parameter values because they cannot
* be parsed in a reliable way. Instead use:
* <pre>
* UriComponents uriComponents = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri("/path?name={value}").buildAndExpand("a=b");
* String encodedUri = uriComponents.encode().toUriString();
* </pre>
* @param uri the URI to be encoded
* @param encoding the character encoding to encode to
* @return the encoded URI
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the given uri parameter is not a valid URI
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported
* @deprecated in favor of {@link UriComponentsBuilder}; see note about query param encoding
public static String encodeUri(String uri, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
UriComponents uriComponents = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(uri).build();
UriComponents encoded = uriComponents.encode(encoding);
return encoded.toUriString();
Assert.notNull(uri, "'uri' must not be null");
Assert.hasLength(encoding, "'encoding' must not be empty");
Matcher m = URI_PATTERN.matcher(uri);
if (m.matches()) {
String scheme = m.group(2);
String authority = m.group(3);
String userinfo = m.group(5);
String host = m.group(6);
String port = m.group(8);
String path = m.group(9);
String query = m.group(11);
String fragment = m.group(13);
return encodeUriComponents(scheme, authority, userinfo, host, port, path, query, fragment, encoding);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[" + uri + "] is not a valid URI");
* Encodes the given HTTP URI into an encoded String. All various URI components are
* encoded according to their respective valid character sets.
* <p><strong>Note</strong> that this method does not support fragments ({@code #}),
* as these are not supposed to be sent to the server, but retained by the client.
* <p><strong>Note</strong> that this method does not attempt to encode "=" and "&"
* characters in query parameter names and query parameter values because they cannot
* be parsed in a reliable way. Instead use:
* <pre>
* UriComponents uriComponents = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl("/path?name={value}").buildAndExpand("a=b");
* String encodedUri = uriComponents.encode().toUriString();
* </pre>
* @param httpUrl the HTTP URL to be encoded
* @param encoding the character encoding to encode to
* @return the encoded URL
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the given uri parameter is not a valid URI
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported
* @deprecated in favor of {@link UriComponentsBuilder}; see note about query param encoding
public static String encodeHttpUrl(String httpUrl, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
UriComponents uriComponents = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(httpUrl).build();
UriComponents encoded = uriComponents.encode(encoding);
return encoded.toUriString();
Assert.notNull(httpUrl, "'httpUrl' must not be null");
Assert.hasLength(encoding, "'encoding' must not be empty");
Matcher m = HTTP_URL_PATTERN.matcher(httpUrl);
if (m.matches()) {
String scheme = m.group(1);
String authority = m.group(2);
String userinfo = m.group(4);
String host = m.group(5);
String portString = m.group(7);
String path = m.group(8);
String query = m.group(10);
return encodeUriComponents(scheme, authority, userinfo, host, portString, path, query, null, encoding);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[" + httpUrl + "] is not a valid HTTP URL");
@ -87,20 +158,48 @@ public abstract class UriUtils {
* @return the encoded URI
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the given uri parameter is not a valid URI
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported
* @deprecated in favor of {@link UriComponentsBuilder}
public static String encodeUriComponents(String scheme, String authority, String userInfo,
String host, String port, String path, String query, String fragment, String encoding)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
int portAsInt = (port != null ? Integer.parseInt(port) : -1);
Assert.hasLength(encoding, "'encoding' must not be empty");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (scheme != null) {
sb.append(encodeScheme(scheme, encoding));
if (authority != null) {
if (userInfo != null) {
sb.append(encodeUserInfo(userInfo, encoding));
if (host != null) {
sb.append(encodeHost(host, encoding));
if (port != null) {
sb.append(encodePort(port, encoding));
sb.append(encodePath(path, encoding));
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance();
if (query != null) {
sb.append(encodeQuery(query, encoding));
UriComponents encoded = builder.build().encode(encoding);
if (fragment != null) {
sb.append(encodeFragment(fragment, encoding));
return encoded.toUriString();
return sb.toString();

@ -128,6 +128,9 @@ public class UriUtilsTests {
assertEquals("Invalid encoded URI", "http://example.com/query=foo@bar",
UriUtils.encodeUri("http://example.com/query=foo@bar", ENC));
// SPR-8974
UriUtils.encodeUri("http://example.org?format=json&url=http://another.com?foo=bar", ENC));
