Avoid ServerResponse static imports in WebFlux router DSL

Provide functions like ok() in RouterFunctionDsl to avoid
ServerResponse static imports.

Issue: SPR-17009
Sebastien Deleuze 6 years ago
parent 37a3765a4e
commit c0264072ab
  1. 118
  2. 12

@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ package org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
import org.springframework.http.MediaType
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono
import java.net.URI
* Allow to create easily a `RouterFunction<ServerResponse>` from a Kotlin router DSL based
@ -421,6 +423,122 @@ open class RouterFunctionDsl(private val init: RouterFunctionDsl.() -> Unit) : (
routes += RouterFunctions.resources(lookupFunction)
* Create a builder with the status code and headers of the given response.
* @param other the response to copy the status and headers from
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun from(other: ServerResponse): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a builder with the given HTTP status.
* @param status the response status
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun status(status: HttpStatus): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a builder with the given HTTP status.
* @param status the response status
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun status(status: Int): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a builder with the status set to [200 OK][HttpStatus.OK].
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun ok(): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a new builder with a [201 Created][HttpStatus.CREATED] status
* and a location header set to the given URI.
* @param location the location URI
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun created(location: URI): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a builder with an [202 Accepted][HttpStatus.ACCEPTED] status.
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun accepted(): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a builder with a [204 No Content][HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT] status.
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun noContent(): ServerResponse.HeadersBuilder<*> =
* Create a builder with a [303 See Other][HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER]
* status and a location header set to the given URI.
* @param location the location URI
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun seeOther(location: URI): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a builder with a [307 Temporary Redirect][HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT]
* status and a location header set to the given URI.
* @param location the location URI
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun temporaryRedirect(location: URI): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a builder with a [308 Permanent Redirect][HttpStatus.PERMANENT_REDIRECT]
* status and a location header set to the given URI.
* @param location the location URI
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun permanentRedirect(location: URI): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a builder with a [400 Bad Request][HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST] status.
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun badRequest(): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Create a builder with a [404 Not Found][HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND] status.
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun notFound(): ServerResponse.HeadersBuilder<*> =
* Create a builder with an
* [422 Unprocessable Entity][HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] status.
* @return the created builder
* @since 5.1
fun unprocessableEntity(): ServerResponse.BodyBuilder =
* Return a composed routing function created from all the registered routes.
* @since 5.1

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders.*
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.*
import org.springframework.http.MediaType.*
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.MockServerRequest.builder
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerResponse.ok
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono
import reactor.test.StepVerifier
import java.net.URI
@ -114,17 +113,20 @@ class RouterFunctionDslTests {
fun sampleRouter() = router {
private fun sampleRouter() = router {
(GET("/foo/") or GET("/foos/")) { req -> handle(req) }
"/api".nest {
POST("/foo/", ::handleFromClass)
PUT("/foo/", :: handleFromClass)
PATCH("/foo/") {
"/foo/" { handleFromClass(it) }
accept(APPLICATION_ATOM_XML, ::handle)
contentType(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, ::handle)
method(PATCH, ::handle)
headers({ it.accept().contains(APPLICATION_JSON) }).nest {
headers { it.accept().contains(APPLICATION_JSON) }.nest {
GET("/api/foo/", ::handle)
headers({ it.header("bar").isNotEmpty() }, ::handle)
@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ class RouterFunctionDslTests {
fun handleFromClass(req: ServerRequest) = ok().build()
fun handleFromClass(req: ServerRequest) = ServerResponse.ok().build()
fun handle(req: ServerRequest) = ok().build()
fun handle(req: ServerRequest) = ServerResponse.ok().build()
