From fa7f13016e2c2d6788f9f46b8c81d25168be2717 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Juergen Hoeller Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 20:44:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] multipart handling etc --- .../resources/changelog.txt | 28 +++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/build-spring-framework/resources/changelog.txt b/build-spring-framework/resources/changelog.txt index bda8e49553..49c17b1119 100644 --- a/build-spring-framework/resources/changelog.txt +++ b/build-spring-framework/resources/changelog.txt @@ -13,23 +13,33 @@ Changes in version 3.1 RC1 (2011-08-xx) * prepared Spring's DataSource and RowSet adapters for forward compatibility with JDBC 4.1 * DefaultListableBeanFactory is only deserializable through a SerializedBeanFactoryReference * DefaultListableBeanFactory's getBean(name, type) attempts type conversion if necessary +* DefaultListableBeanFactory allows for init methods to register further bean definitions (again) +* XmlBeanDefinitionReader accepts description subelement within map entry as well (as per the XSD) * ConfigurationClassPostProcessor supports use of same processor instance with several factories * DataBinder uses a default limit of 256 for array/collection auto-growing * added "autoGrowNestedPaths" property to ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer +* added "getMultipartContentType(String)" method to MultipartRequest interface * added headers support to MultipartFile abstraction (actually supported on Servlet 3.0) +* revised Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver for correct param/file distinction +* MultipartFilter uses a Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver by default +* added RequestPartServletServerHttpRequest and corresponding @RequestPart support in Spring MVC +* fixed @ExceptionHandler exception type matching (ExceptionDepthComparator) +* ResourceHttpRequestHandler detects invalid directory traversal in given path +* HtmlUtils properly escapes single quotes as well +* Spring JSP tags do not use their own expression support on Servlet 3.0 containers by default +* added support for web.xml context-param "springJspExpressionSupport" (explicit "true"/"false") * ContextLoader and FrameworkServlet support "contextId" parameter for custom serialization id -* AnnotationConfigContextLoader now supports default configuration classes with arbitrary names -* revised JMS CachedConnectionFactory to avoid unnecessary rollback calls on Session return -* fixed JMS CachedConnectionFactory to fully synchronize its Session list * added "acceptProxyClasses" flag to RemoteInvocationSerializingExporter * refined WebLogic RMI descriptor to only mark 'getTargetInterfaceName' method as idempotent +* revised JMS CachedConnectionFactory to avoid unnecessary rollback calls on Session return +* fixed JMS CachedConnectionFactory to fully synchronize its Session list +* JpaTransactionManager etc can find EntityManagerFactory by "persistenceUnitName" property now +* jdbc:script's "separator" and "execution" attributes work nested with embedded-database as well +* added "encoding" attribute to jdbc:script element * JavaMailSenderImpl detects and respects "mail.transport.protocol" property in existing Session +* added ConcurrentMapCacheManager, dynamically building ConcurrentMapCache instances at runtime * added "disabled" property to EhCacheFactoryBean -* fixed @ExceptionHandler exception type matching (ExceptionDepthComparator) -* added "getMultipartContentType(String)" method to MultipartRequest interface -* added RequestPartServletServerHttpRequest and corresponding @RequestPart support in Spring MVC -* revised Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver for correct param/file distinction -* MultipartFilter uses a Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver by default +* AnnotationConfigContextLoader now supports default configuration classes within test classes * extended Servlet API mocks for Servlet 3.0 forward compatibility as far as possible * made MockHttpServletResponse compatible with Servlet 3.0 getHeader(s) method returning Strings * added getHeaderValue(s) method to MockHttpServletResponse for raw value access @@ -60,6 +70,8 @@ Changes in version 3.1 M2 (2011-06-08) * added Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver * added "packagesToScan" feature to LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean (avoiding persistence.xml) * fixed JPA 2.0 timeout hints to correctly specify milliseconds +* added support for shutdown scripts to DataSourceInitializer (see "databaseCleaner" property) +* added "separator" and "execution" attributes to jdbc:script element * revised cache abstraction to focus on minimal atomic access operations * updated Quartz package to support Quartz 1.8 as well (note: not fully supporting Quartz 2.0 yet) * RemoteExporter uses an opaque proxy for 'serviceInterface' (no AOP interfaces exposed)