Fix formatting and punctuation errors in reference manual

Sam Brannen 9 years ago
parent e0fbd2d5b9
commit fb07be55b5
  1. 18

@ -2292,19 +2292,19 @@ various callback interfaces, plus a variety of related classes. A subpackage nam
`SimpleJdbcCall` classes. Another subpackage named
`org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam` contains the `NamedParameterJdbcTemplate`
class and the related support classes. See <<jdbc-core>>, <<jdbc-advanced-jdbc>>, and
The `org.springframework.jdbc.datasource` package contains a utility class for easy
`DataSource` access, and various simple `DataSource` implementations that can be used
for testing and running unmodified JDBC code outside of a Java EE container. A
subpackage named `org.springfamework.jdbc.datasource.embedded` provides support for
creating in-memory database instances using Java database engines such as HSQL and H2.
See <<jdbc-connections>> and <<jdbc-embedded-database-support>>
`DataSource` access, and various simple `DataSource` implementations that can be used for
testing and running unmodified JDBC code outside of a Java EE container. A subpackage
named `org.springfamework.jdbc.datasource.embedded` provides support for creating
embedded databases using Java database engines such as HSQL, H2, and Derby. See
<<jdbc-connections>> and <<jdbc-embedded-database-support>>.
The `org.springframework.jdbc.object` package contains classes that represent RDBMS
queries, updates, and stored procedures as thread safe, reusable objects. See
<<jdbc-object>>.This approach is modeled by JDO, although of course objects returned by
queries are "disconnected" from the database. This higher level of JDBC abstraction
queries, updates, and stored procedures as thread-safe, reusable objects. See
<<jdbc-object>>. This approach is modeled by JDO, although objects returned by queries
are naturally _disconnected_ from the database. This higher level of JDBC abstraction
depends on the lower-level abstraction in the `org.springframework.jdbc.core` package.
The `` package provides `SQLException` translation
