SPRING FRAMEWORK 3.0 M1 (December 2008) --------------------------------------- http://www.springframework.org 1. INTRODUCTION --------------- This is the first milestone of Spring 3.0 which is scheduled for final release in Q2 2009. This release updates the entire codebase for Java 5+ and introduces EL and REST support. 2. RELEASE NOTES ---------------- This release comes without reference documentation. For the time being, please consult the provided javadoc for details on the new features. 3. DISTRIBUTION JAR FILES ------------------------- The Spring Framework module jar files can be found in the 'dist' directory. Note that this release does not contain a 'spring.jar' file anymore. Furthermore, the jar file names follow bundle repository conventions now. 4. GETTING STARTED ------------------ Check out the provided PetClinic sample application. It has been partially updated for Spring 3.0 already.