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776 B

description = 'Spring ASM'
configurations { jarjar }
dependencies { jarjar 'com.googlecode.jarjar:jarjar:1.1' }
configurations { asm }
dependencies { asm 'asm:asm:2.2.3@jar', 'asm:asm-commons:2.2.3@jar' }
jar << {
project.ant {
taskdef name: "jarjar", classname: "com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask", classpath: configurations.jarjar.asPath
jarjar(destfile: archivePath, index: "true", filesetmanifest: "merge") {
configurations.asm.each { jarfile ->
zipfileset(src: jarfile)
rule(pattern: 'org.objectweb.asm.**', result: 'org.springframework.asm.@1')
// TODO: integrate bundlor in jarjar routine
// TODO: create source jar
// TODO: review overall jarjar approach with Gradle team