final preparations for 3.1 RC2 release

Juergen Hoeller 13 years ago
parent 9f3e333084
commit 686ae8f7b3
  1. 27

Changes in version 3.1 RC2 (2011-11-15) Changes in version 3.1 RC2 (2011-11-28)
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* fixed OSGi manifest for spring-web bundle to not require Apache HttpComponents anymore * fixed OSGi manifest for spring-web bundle to not require Apache HttpComponents anymore
* fixed GenericTypeResolver to consistently return null if not resolvable * fixed GenericTypeResolver to consistently return null if not resolvable
* added proper "contentLength()" implementation to ByteArrayResource * added proper "contentLength()" implementation to ByteArrayResource
* refined Resource "exists()" check for HTTP URLs to always return false for 404 status
* LocaleEditor and StringToLocaleConverter do not restrict variant part through validation * LocaleEditor and StringToLocaleConverter do not restrict variant part through validation
* LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap overrides putAll method as well (for IBM JDK 1.6 compatibility)
* optimized DefaultListableBeanFactory's PropertyDescriptor caching for concurrent access * optimized DefaultListableBeanFactory's PropertyDescriptor caching for concurrent access
* renamed ValueWrapperImpl to SimpleValueWrapper (for use in Cache implementations)
* exposed EHCache 1.7's "statisticsEnabled"/"sampledStatisticsEnabled" on EhCacheFactoryBean
* SpringValidatorAdapter accepts non-indexed set paths (for Hibernate Validator compatibility)
* TransactionSynchronizationManager eagerly cleans up void ResourceHolders on any access
* JDO PersistenceManager synchronization performs close attempt after completion (if necessary)
* JPA EntityManagerFactoryUtils silently ignores IllegalArgumentExceptions from setHint calls
* fixed HibernateTransactionManager for Hibernate 4.0 to refer to correct openSession() method * fixed HibernateTransactionManager for Hibernate 4.0 to refer to correct openSession() method
* added "namingStrategy" property to Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean variant
* HibernateJpaDialect does NOT expose underlying Session for underlying SessionFactory anymore
* fixed MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean's Quartz 2.0 support * fixed MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean's Quartz 2.0 support
* added Quartz 2.1 compatibility while preserving Quartz 2.0 support
* introduced JobDetail/CronTrigger/SimpleTriggerFactoryBean variants for Quartz 2.0/2.1 support
* SimpleJdbcTestUtils executeSqlScript properly closes its LineNumberReader after use
* added "forwarder" property to ConnectorServerFactoryBean, accepting an MBeanServerForwarder
* RmiClientInterceptor detects nested SocketException as connect failure as well * RmiClientInterceptor detects nested SocketException as connect failure as well
* fixed StandardServlet/PortletEnvironment to check for JNDI (for Google App Engine compatibility) * fixed StandardServlet/PortletEnvironment to check for JNDI (for Google App Engine compatibility)
* Servlet/PortletContextResource's getFile prefers "file:" URL resolution over calling getRealPath
* using original request URI in FlashMap matching logic to account for URL rewriting * using original request URI in FlashMap matching logic to account for URL rewriting
* now supporting target request with multiple parameter values in FlashMap matching logic * now supporting target request with multiple parameter values in FlashMap matching logic
* fixed issue in SimpleMappingExceptionResolver causing exception when setting "statusCodes" property * fixed issue in SimpleMappingExceptionResolver causing exception when setting "statusCodes" property
@ -22,12 +37,16 @@ Changes in version 3.1 RC2 (2011-11-15)
* form hidden tag now supports "disabled" attribute * form hidden tag now supports "disabled" attribute
* added ignoreDefaultModelOnRedirect attribute to <mvc:annotation-driven/> * added ignoreDefaultModelOnRedirect attribute to <mvc:annotation-driven/>
* added methods to UriComponentsBuilder for replacing the path or the query * added methods to UriComponentsBuilder for replacing the path or the query
* support UriComponentsBuilder as @Controller method argument
* added ServletUriComponentsBuilder to build a UriComponents instance starting with a ServletRequest * added ServletUriComponentsBuilder to build a UriComponents instance starting with a ServletRequest
* added support for UriComponentsBuilder as @Controller method argument
* MockHttpServletRequest and MockHttpServletResponse now keep contentType field and Content-Type header in sync
* fixed issue with cache ignoring prototype-scoped controllers in RequestMappingHandlerAdapter * fixed issue with cache ignoring prototype-scoped controllers in RequestMappingHandlerAdapter
* updated Spring MVC configuration section to include MVC Java config and the MVC namespace
* fixed issue with setting Content-Length header depending on the charset of the response * fixed issue with setting Content-Length header depending on the charset of the response
* added getObjectMapper() accessor to MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter
* AbstractCachingViewResolver caches unresolved view names by default ("cacheUnresolved"=true)
* fixed "formMultiSelect"/"formCheckboxes" FreeMarker macros to compare against actual field value
* MockHttpServletRequest/Response now keep contentType field and Content-Type header in sync
* updated Spring MVC configuration section to include MVC Java config and the MVC namespace
Changes in version 3.1 RC1 (2011-10-11) Changes in version 3.1 RC1 (2011-10-11)
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