finalized changelog for M2 release

Juergen Hoeller 16 years ago
parent e989292e2a
commit e10c843809
  1. 20

Changes in version 3.0.0.M2 (2009-02-20) Changes in version 3.0.0.M2 (2009-02-25)
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
* refined OSGi version constraints for "javax.annotation" and "junit.framework"
* revised expression parser API design * revised expression parser API design
* added SimpleThreadScope implementation * added SimpleThreadScope implementation
* refined OSGi version constraints for "javax.annotation" and "junit.framework"
* "systemProperties" bean is not considered a default match for type Properties anymore * "systemProperties" bean is not considered a default match for type Properties anymore
* registered plain singletons will be fully matched according to their qualifiers
* @Qualifier value matching takes chained aliases of target beans into account as well
* SimpleAliasRegistry's "getAliases" method returns transitive aliases now * SimpleAliasRegistry's "getAliases" method returns transitive aliases now
* SimpleAliasRegistry detects resolved aliases that loop back to the original name
* PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer does not modify Map in case of equal String keys
* improved NoClassDefFoundError handling during constructor resolution
* inner class names in Java source style ("java.lang.Thread.State") supported as well
* pre-converted property values are preserved more eagerly for re-created beans * pre-converted property values are preserved more eagerly for re-created beans
* prototype beans receive independent collection/array even when based on single value
* registered plain singletons will be fully matched according to their qualifiers
* @Qualifier value matching takes chained aliases of target beans into account as well
* ASM-based AnnotationMetadata fully resolves class arguments and enums into Java types * ASM-based AnnotationMetadata fully resolves class arguments and enums into Java types
* ProceedingJoinPoint resolves parameter names using ASM-based parameter name discovery * ProceedingJoinPoint resolves parameter names using ASM-based parameter name discovery
* MethodInvocations and ProceedingJoinPoints always expose original method (not bridge) * MethodInvocations and ProceedingJoinPoints always expose original method (not bridge)
@ -52,8 +57,11 @@ Changes in version 3.0.0.M2 (2009-02-20)
* fixed JmsException/JmsUtils to fully avoid NPEs in case of cause messages being null * fixed JmsException/JmsUtils to fully avoid NPEs in case of cause messages being null
* fixed MessageListenerAdapter's "getSubscriptionName()" to work without delegate as well * fixed MessageListenerAdapter's "getSubscriptionName()" to work without delegate as well
* fixed HTTP invoker to support resolution of multi-level primitive array classes again * fixed HTTP invoker to support resolution of multi-level primitive array classes again
* deprecated support for JMS 1.0.2 providers (JmsTemplate102 etc)
* introduced top-level HTTP support package "org.springframework.http"
* introduced RestTemplate facility in package "org.springframework.web.client"
* introduced OXM support package (originating from Spring Web Services) * introduced OXM support package (originating from Spring Web Services)
* introduced OXM-based MarshallingMessageConverter for JMS * introduced OXM-based MarshallingMessageConverter for Spring JMS
* introduced OXM-based MarshallingView for Spring MVC * introduced OXM-based MarshallingView for Spring MVC
* refined @PathVariable handling in MVC handler methods * refined @PathVariable handling in MVC handler methods
* updated Spring Portlet MVC infrastructure and mocks for Portlet API 2.0 * updated Spring Portlet MVC infrastructure and mocks for Portlet API 2.0
@ -61,7 +69,7 @@ Changes in version 3.0.0.M2 (2009-02-20)
* added resolveException method for resource requests to HandlerExceptionResolver * added resolveException method for resource requests to HandlerExceptionResolver
* introduced Resource/EventAwareController subinterfaces of Portlet Controller * introduced Resource/EventAwareController subinterfaces of Portlet Controller
* introduced @Action/@Render/@Resource/@EventMapping annotations for Portlet MVC * introduced @Action/@Render/@Resource/@EventMapping annotations for Portlet MVC
* added @RequestHeader support for Portlet MVC * added @RequestHeader support for Portlet MVC (based on Portlet request properties)
* introduced @CookieValue annotation for Servlet and Portlet MVC handler methods * introduced @CookieValue annotation for Servlet and Portlet MVC handler methods
* @RequestMapping type-level param constraints taken into account consistently * @RequestMapping type-level param constraints taken into account consistently
* optional boolean parameters in MVC handler methods resolve to "false" if not present * optional boolean parameters in MVC handler methods resolve to "false" if not present
